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The Nilgiris District Population
The Nilgiris District Total population is 735394. Rural Population is 299739 and Urban population is 435655. The Nilgiris District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 299739 | 145909 | 153830 |
Urban | 435655 | 214234 | 221421 |
Total | 735394 | 360143 | 375251 |
List of sub districts in The Nilgiris District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Panthalur | 125931 | 30615 |
Gudalur | 104768 | 25075 |
Udhagamandalam | 191960 | 52767 |
Kotagiri | 108684 | 31168 |
Coonoor | 157744 | 44197 |
Kundah | 46307 | 13831 |