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Thane District Population
Thane District Total population is 11060148. Rural Population is 2545470 and Urban population is 8514678. Thane District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2545470 | 1300136 | 1245334 |
Urban | 8514678 | 4564942 | 3949736 |
Total | 11060148 | 5865078 | 5195070 |
List of sub districts in Thane District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Talasari | 154818 | 27942 |
Dahanu | 402095 | 82139 |
Vikramgad | 137625 | 26845 |
Jawhar | 140187 | 29099 |
Mokhada | 83453 | 17789 |
Vada | 178370 | 39303 |
Palghar | 550166 | 128526 |
Vasai | 1343402 | 318180 |
Thane | 3787036 | 899330 |
Bhiwandi | 1141386 | 234249 |
Shahapur | 314103 | 64924 |
Kalyan | 1565417 | 377146 |
Ambarnath | 565340 | 130986 |
Murbad | 190652 | 40908 |