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Tawang District Population
Tawang District Total population is 49977. Rural Population is 38775 and Urban population is 11202. Tawang District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 38775 | 20792 | 17983 |
Urban | 11202 | 8359 | 2843 |
Total | 49977 | 29151 | 20826 |
List of sub districts in Tawang District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Zemithang | 2926 | 731 |
Lumla | 6172 | 1483 |
Dudunghar | 2833 | 633 |
Tawang | 19099 | 3470 |
Kitpi | 2935 | 733 |
Jang | 5480 | 996 |
Lhou | 4029 | 733 |
Mukto | 3655 | 697 |
Bongkhar | 1256 | 289 |
Thingbu | 1592 | 297 |