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Surendranagar District Population
Surendranagar District Total population is 1756268. Rural Population is 1259352 and Urban population is 496916. Surendranagar District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1259352 | 649475 | 609877 |
Urban | 496916 | 260442 | 236474 |
Total | 1756268 | 909917 | 846351 |
List of sub districts in Surendranagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Halvad | 171000 | 32413 |
Dhrangadhra | 218041 | 42257 |
Dasada | 180641 | 37840 |
Lakhtar | 75606 | 14657 |
Wadhwan | 359325 | 74287 |
Muli | 118902 | 21729 |
Chotila | 220855 | 40543 |
Sayla | 138643 | 25753 |
Chuda | 97916 | 19218 |
Limbdi | 175339 | 34516 |