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Sundargarh District Population
Sundargarh District Total population is 2093437. Rural Population is 1355340 and Urban population is 738097. Sundargarh District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1355340 | 676068 | 679272 |
Urban | 738097 | 385079 | 353018 |
Total | 2093437 | 1061147 | 1032290 |
List of sub districts in Sundargarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Hemgir | 84559 | 20953 |
Lephripara | 70547 | 17864 |
Bhasma | 42101 | 11292 |
Dharuadihi | 35427 | 8849 |
Sundargarh Town | 48969 | 10942 |
Sundargarh | 74134 | 18708 |
Kinjirkela | 57452 | 14194 |
Talasara | 80443 | 19844 |
Baragaon | 77943 | 18163 |
Kutra | 66462 | 14667 |
Rajagangapur | 166131 | 35450 |
Raiboga | 43474 | 9471 |
Biramitrapur | 96881 | 20730 |
Hatibari | 61931 | 13509 |
Bisra | 98455 | 20707 |
Bondamunda | 14399 | 3076 |
Brahmani Tarang | 57664 | 12214 |
Raghunathapali | 26095 | 5787 |
Tangarapali | 5851 | 1200 |
Lathikata | 24846 | 5541 |
Chandiposh | 21864 | 4651 |
Kamarposh Balang | 42854 | 9160 |
Koida | 40824 | 9770 |
Lahunipara | 77841 | 18076 |
Gurundia | 35256 | 7601 |
Tikaetpali | 23589 | 5430 |
Banei | 61804 | 15214 |
Mahulapada | 19191 | 4402 |