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Solan District Population
Solan District Total population is 580320. Rural Population is 478173 and Urban population is 102147. Solan District is in Himachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 478173 | 249736 | 228437 |
Urban | 102147 | 59018 | 43129 |
Total | 580320 | 308754 | 271566 |
List of sub districts in Solan District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Arki | 56908 | 11284 |
Darlaghat | 36763 | 6958 |
Ramshahr | 32594 | 6341 |
Nalagarh | 114211 | 22347 |
Baddi | 90942 | 20365 |
Krishangarh | 24511 | 5023 |
Kasauli | 67264 | 15698 |
Solan | 116598 | 26189 |
Kandaghat | 40529 | 8220 |