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Sirmaur District Population
Sirmaur District Total population is 529855. Rural Population is 472690 and Urban population is 57165. Sirmaur District is in Himachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 472690 | 246175 | 226515 |
Urban | 57165 | 30114 | 27051 |
Total | 529855 | 276289 | 253566 |
List of sub districts in Sirmaur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Rajgarh | 48999 | 9754 |
Nohra | 23022 | 4291 |
Pachhad | 53800 | 10549 |
Renuka | 47388 | 7276 |
Dadahu | 17403 | 3287 |
Nahan | 84149 | 17705 |
Paonta Sahib | 157799 | 31523 |
Kamrau | 37066 | 5650 |
Shalai | 36905 | 5046 |
Ronhat | 23324 | 3127 |