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Simdega District Population
Simdega District Total population is 599578. Rural Population is 556634 and Urban population is 42944. Simdega District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 556634 | 278425 | 278209 |
Urban | 42944 | 21884 | 21060 |
Total | 599578 | 300309 | 299269 |
List of sub districts in Simdega District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Simdega | 115075 | 22177 |
Pakar Tanr | 37507 | 7357 |
Kurdeg | 47984 | 9847 |
Kersai | 39218 | 7580 |
Bolba | 30786 | 6182 |
Thethaitangar | 87458 | 17433 |
Kolebira | 71283 | 14106 |
Jaldega | 64286 | 12389 |
Bansjor | 25519 | 4981 |
Bano | 80462 | 16236 |