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Sikar District Population
Sikar District Total population is 2677333. Rural Population is 2043427 and Urban population is 633906. Sikar District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2043427 | 1047469 | 995958 |
Urban | 633906 | 327521 | 306385 |
Total | 2677333 | 1374990 | 1302343 |
List of sub districts in Sikar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Fatehpur | 305638 | 50488 |
Lachhmangarh | 320956 | 54786 |
Sikar | 644186 | 106711 |
Danta Ramgarh | 423314 | 68565 |
Sri Madhopur | 583328 | 95115 |
Neem-Ka-Thana | 399911 | 69151 |