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Sidhi District Population
Sidhi District Total population is 1127033. Rural Population is 1033912 and Urban population is 93121. Sidhi District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1033912 | 527378 | 506534 |
Urban | 93121 | 48534 | 44587 |
Total | 1127033 | 575912 | 551121 |
List of sub districts in Sidhi District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Rampur Naikin | 206392 | 44366 |
Churhat | 117090 | 24275 |
Gopadbanas | 289481 | 57704 |
Sihawal | 268934 | 54479 |
Majhauli | 163877 | 38548 |
Kusmi | 81259 | 19076 |