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Sheopur District Population
Sheopur District Total population is 687861. Rural Population is 580509 and Urban population is 107352. Sheopur District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 580509 | 305360 | 275149 |
Urban | 107352 | 56424 | 50928 |
Total | 687861 | 361784 | 326077 |
List of sub districts in Sheopur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Vijaypur | 144537 | 32441 |
Beerpur | 87468 | 19413 |
Sheopur | 245981 | 51025 |
Badoda | 101614 | 20887 |
Karahal | 108261 | 22277 |