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Sheohar District Population
Sheohar District Total population is 656246. Rural Population is 628130 and Urban population is 28116. Sheohar District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 628130 | 331792 | 296338 |
Urban | 28116 | 14881 | 13235 |
Total | 656246 | 346673 | 309573 |
List of sub districts in Sheohar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Purnahiya | 91949 | 21600 |
Piprarhi | 117948 | 28107 |
Sheohar | 155258 | 34606 |
Dumri Katsari | 93398 | 20943 |
Tariani Chowk | 197693 | 44888 |