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Sheikhpura District Population
Sheikhpura District Total population is 636342. Rural Population is 527340 and Urban population is 109002. Sheikhpura District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 527340 | 272360 | 254980 |
Urban | 109002 | 57383 | 51619 |
Total | 636342 | 329743 | 306599 |
List of sub districts in Sheikhpura District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Barbigha | 136167 | 21797 |
Shekhopur Sarai | 67481 | 10944 |
Sheikhpura | 199011 | 31771 |
Ghat Kusumbha | 48346 | 7323 |
Chewara | 73267 | 11847 |
Ariari | 112070 | 17019 |