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Shajapur District Population
Shajapur District Total population is 1512681. Rural Population is 1219133 and Urban population is 293548. Shajapur District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1219133 | 629273 | 589860 |
Urban | 293548 | 151247 | 142301 |
Total | 1512681 | 780520 | 732161 |
List of sub districts in Shajapur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Susner | 143828 | 29512 |
Nalkheda | 118592 | 23725 |
Badod | 135523 | 26254 |
Agar | 173335 | 36380 |
Shajapur | 251782 | 50030 |
Gulana | 133807 | 26938 |
Moman Badodiya | 115216 | 23019 |
Shujalpur | 239244 | 45900 |
Kalapipal | 201354 | 38267 |