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Shahjahanpur District Population
Shahjahanpur District Total population is 3006538. Rural Population is 2412446 and Urban population is 594092. Shahjahanpur District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2412446 | 1293714 | 1118732 |
Urban | 594092 | 312689 | 281403 |
Total | 3006538 | 1606403 | 1400135 |
List of sub districts in Shahjahanpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Powayan | 674066 | 121728 |
Tilhar | 736697 | 128063 |
Shahjahanpur | 999095 | 176012 |
Jalalabad | 596680 | 101698 |