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Seoni District Population
Seoni District Total population is 1379131. Rural Population is 1215241 and Urban population is 163890. Seoni District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1215241 | 612314 | 602927 |
Urban | 163890 | 83565 | 80325 |
Total | 1379131 | 695879 | 683252 |
List of sub districts in Seoni District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Lakhnadon | 208150 | 47440 |
Chhapara | 123024 | 28552 |
Ghansaur | 142662 | 33092 |
Dhanora | 85066 | 19704 |
Keolari | 158200 | 36737 |
Seoni | 347498 | 76246 |
Barghat | 197636 | 46366 |
Kurai | 116895 | 26630 |