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Senapati District Population
Senapati District Total population is 479148. Rural Population is 471672 and Urban population is 7476. Senapati District is in Manipur State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 471672 | 243603 | 228069 |
Urban | 7476 | 3720 | 3756 |
Total | 479148 | 247323 | 231825 |
List of sub districts in Senapati District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mao-Maram | 163380 | 27180 |
Paomata | 53901 | 9691 |
Purul | 68123 | 10540 |
Sadar Hills West | 71844 | 12690 |
Saitu-Gamphazol | 58536 | 10913 |
Sadar Hills East | 63364 | 12397 |