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Sawai Madhopur District Population
Sawai Madhopur District Total population is 1335551. Rural Population is 1069084 and Urban population is 266467. Sawai Madhopur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1069084 | 564592 | 504492 |
Urban | 266467 | 139439 | 127028 |
Total | 1335551 | 704031 | 631520 |
List of sub districts in Sawai Madhopur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gangapur | 346614 | 63010 |
Bamanwas | 171648 | 33005 |
Malarna Doongar | 105732 | 19654 |
Bonli | 142741 | 26317 |
Chauth Ka Barwara | 97500 | 19222 |
Sawai Madhopur | 334877 | 64649 |
Khandar | 136439 | 28859 |