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Satara District Population
Satara District Total population is 3003741. Rural Population is 2433363 and Urban population is 570378. Satara District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2433363 | 1219749 | 1213614 |
Urban | 570378 | 291093 | 279285 |
Total | 3003741 | 1510842 | 1492899 |
List of sub districts in Satara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mahabaleshwar | 72830 | 14841 |
Wai | 200269 | 45050 |
Khandala | 137418 | 30230 |
Phaltan | 342667 | 71124 |
Man | 225634 | 47741 |
Khatav | 275274 | 60121 |
Koregaon | 257500 | 55526 |
Satara | 502049 | 112931 |
Jaoli | 106506 | 23729 |
Patan | 299509 | 67517 |
Karad | 584085 | 124925 |