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Sangli District Population
Sangli District Total population is 2822143. Rural Population is 2102786 and Urban population is 719357. Sangli District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2102786 | 1071124 | 1031662 |
Urban | 719357 | 364604 | 354753 |
Total | 2822143 | 1435728 | 1386415 |
List of sub districts in Sangli District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shirala | 162911 | 36344 |
Walwa | 456002 | 94554 |
Palus | 164909 | 34401 |
Kadegaon | 143019 | 31714 |
Khanapur (Vita) | 170214 | 38109 |
Atpadi | 138455 | 28178 |
Tasgaon | 251401 | 53432 |
Miraj | 854581 | 185372 |
Kavathemahankal | 152327 | 32275 |
Jat | 328324 | 64007 |