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Saharsa District Population
Saharsa District Total population is 1900661. Rural Population is 1744121 and Urban population is 156540. Saharsa District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1744121 | 913883 | 830238 |
Urban | 156540 | 83291 | 73249 |
Total | 1900661 | 997174 | 903487 |
List of sub districts in Saharsa District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Nauhatta | 161784 | 33453 |
Satar Kataiya | 151060 | 28710 |
Mahishi | 206774 | 40046 |
Kahara | 298345 | 57253 |
Saur Bazar | 214166 | 40272 |
Patarghat | 128322 | 26842 |
Sonbarsa | 235841 | 46386 |
Simri Bakhtiarpur | 280582 | 53367 |
Salkhua | 132844 | 24785 |
Banma Itahri | 90943 | 17865 |