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Sabar Kantha District Population
Sabar Kantha District Total population is 2428589. Rural Population is 2064869 and Urban population is 363720. Sabar Kantha District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2064869 | 1056141 | 1008728 |
Urban | 363720 | 188090 | 175630 |
Total | 2428589 | 1244231 | 1184358 |
List of sub districts in Sabar Kantha District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Khedbrahma | 293143 | 49560 |
Vijaynagar | 103895 | 20881 |
Vadali | 92357 | 19264 |
Idar | 257904 | 54823 |
Bhiloda | 239216 | 48234 |
Meghraj | 167115 | 31360 |
Himatnagar | 325669 | 66731 |
Prantij | 161279 | 32503 |
Talod | 154424 | 30913 |
Modasa | 222625 | 45143 |
Dhansura | 106733 | 21278 |
Malpur | 97838 | 18950 |
Bayad | 206391 | 41774 |