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Rohtas District Population
Rohtas District Total population is 2959918. Rural Population is 2532153 and Urban population is 427765. Rohtas District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2532153 | 1318276 | 1213877 |
Urban | 427765 | 225270 | 202495 |
Total | 2959918 | 1543546 | 1416372 |
List of sub districts in Rohtas District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kochas | 170025 | 24983 |
Dinara | 225468 | 33227 |
Dawath | 108455 | 16372 |
Suryapura | 57529 | 8728 |
Bikramganj | 163565 | 25552 |
Karakat | 209284 | 31555 |
Nasriganj | 138936 | 21709 |
Rajpur | 75213 | 11461 |
Sanjhauli | 62621 | 9249 |
Nokha | 173327 | 26362 |
Kargahar | 225082 | 31528 |
Chenari | 131528 | 21298 |
Nauhatta | 94065 | 16387 |
Sheosagar | 176080 | 28147 |
Sasaram | 358283 | 58202 |
Akorhi Gola | 120145 | 18895 |
Dehri | 275014 | 45101 |
Tilouthu | 109249 | 17158 |
Rohtas | 86049 | 14431 |