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Rewa District Population
Rewa District Total population is 2365106. Rural Population is 1969321 and Urban population is 395785. Rewa District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1969321 | 1017839 | 951482 |
Urban | 395785 | 207261 | 188524 |
Total | 2365106 | 1225100 | 1140006 |
List of sub districts in Rewa District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Teonthar | 251853 | 55895 |
Jawa | 215071 | 48088 |
Sirmour | 196736 | 45084 |
Mangawan | 216926 | 50462 |
Semaria | 156554 | 36052 |
Hanumana | 254882 | 57962 |
Mauganj | 189711 | 41808 |
Naigarhi | 173041 | 37380 |
Huzur | 479663 | 99262 |
Raipur - Karchuliyan | 103346 | 23901 |
Gurh | 127323 | 30171 |