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Ratlam District Population
Ratlam District Total population is 1455069. Rural Population is 1020038 and Urban population is 435031. Ratlam District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1020038 | 516468 | 503570 |
Urban | 435031 | 221773 | 213258 |
Total | 1455069 | 738241 | 716828 |
List of sub districts in Ratlam District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Piploda | 138362 | 28865 |
Jaora | 243070 | 48777 |
Alot | 111970 | 22794 |
Tal | 106988 | 22047 |
Sailana | 134959 | 27796 |
Bajna | 80290 | 17245 |
Rawti | 84171 | 17657 |
Ratlam | 555259 | 111502 |