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Ranchi District Population
Ranchi District Total population is 2914253. Rural Population is 1656918 and Urban population is 1257335. Ranchi District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1656918 | 840528 | 816390 |
Urban | 1257335 | 654409 | 602926 |
Total | 2914253 | 1494937 | 1419316 |
List of sub districts in Ranchi District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Burmu | 89889 | 16974 |
Khelari | 78219 | 15111 |
Kanke | 1317499 | 253026 |
Ormanjhi | 94137 | 17767 |
Angara | 112759 | 22572 |
Rahe | 53916 | 12283 |
Silli | 113798 | 23783 |
Sonahatu | 77252 | 17760 |
Namkum | 145841 | 28756 |
Ratu | 76565 | 14418 |
Nagri | 76442 | 14629 |
Mandar | 128585 | 22811 |
Chanho | 107503 | 19386 |
Bero | 113090 | 20446 |
Itki | 50058 | 9115 |
Lapung | 63053 | 11963 |
Bundu | 82975 | 18367 |
Tamar I | 132672 | 30277 |