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Rampur District Population
Rampur District Total population is 2335819. Rural Population is 1747172 and Urban population is 588647. Rampur District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1747172 | 916878 | 830294 |
Urban | 588647 | 307011 | 281636 |
Total | 2335819 | 1223889 | 1111930 |
List of sub districts in Rampur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Suar | 343409 | 56180 |
Tanda | 340587 | 55267 |
Bilaspur | 289195 | 50019 |
Rampur | 670879 | 115488 |
Shahabad | 355070 | 59601 |
Milak | 336679 | 57181 |