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Ramanathapuram District Population
Ramanathapuram District Total population is 1353445. Rural Population is 942746 and Urban population is 410699. Ramanathapuram District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 942746 | 474508 | 468238 |
Urban | 410699 | 208150 | 202549 |
Total | 1353445 | 682658 | 670787 |
List of sub districts in Ramanathapuram District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tiruvadanai | 212029 | 50212 |
Paramakudi | 265142 | 66337 |
Mudukulathur | 113432 | 28974 |
Kamuthi | 135658 | 32847 |
Kadaladi | 145277 | 34065 |
Ramanathapuram | 399232 | 92369 |
Rameswaram | 82675 | 19101 |