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Rajsamand District Population
Rajsamand District Total population is 1156597. Rural Population is 972777 and Urban population is 183820. Rajsamand District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 972777 | 486960 | 485817 |
Urban | 183820 | 94379 | 89441 |
Total | 1156597 | 581339 | 575258 |
List of sub districts in Rajsamand District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bhim | 171023 | 35808 |
Deogarh | 110723 | 23338 |
Amet | 118949 | 24568 |
Kumbhalgarh | 144231 | 32648 |
Rajsamand | 235140 | 47280 |
Railmagra | 131800 | 27874 |
Nathdwara | 244731 | 51562 |