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Rajnandgaon District Population
Rajnandgaon District Total population is 1537133. Rural Population is 1264621 and Urban population is 272512. Rajnandgaon District is in Chattisgarh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1264621 | 626212 | 638409 |
Urban | 272512 | 136643 | 135869 |
Total | 1537133 | 762855 | 774278 |
List of sub districts in Rajnandgaon District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Chhuikhadan | 176222 | 36726 |
Khairagarh | 192222 | 38794 |
Dongargarh | 208117 | 43194 |
Rajnandgaon | 363352 | 76395 |
Chhuriya | 178506 | 35843 |
Dongargaon | 134767 | 28259 |
Mohla | 86994 | 18178 |
Manpur | 88619 | 17985 |
Ambagarh | 108334 | 23114 |