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Rajkot District Population
Rajkot District Total population is 3804558. Rural Population is 1590508 and Urban population is 2214050. Rajkot District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1590508 | 816264 | 774244 |
Urban | 2214050 | 1158181 | 1055869 |
Total | 3804558 | 1974445 | 1830113 |
List of sub districts in Rajkot District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Maliya | 78692 | 15982 |
Morvi | 403995 | 81561 |
Tankara | 87577 | 17049 |
Wankaner | 219065 | 40489 |
Paddhari | 74781 | 14941 |
Rajkot | 1533821 | 328601 |
Lodhika | 57415 | 11929 |
Kotda Sangani | 90460 | 19452 |
Jasdan | 314124 | 58885 |
Gondal | 285550 | 57893 |
Jamkandorna | 78130 | 16133 |
Upleta | 178912 | 39008 |
Dhoraji | 154896 | 34044 |
Jetpur | 247140 | 50619 |