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Rajgarh District Population
Rajgarh District Total population is 1545814. Rural Population is 1269357 and Urban population is 276457. Rajgarh District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1269357 | 648407 | 620950 |
Urban | 276457 | 141805 | 134652 |
Total | 1545814 | 790212 | 755602 |
List of sub districts in Rajgarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jirapur | 199675 | 45336 |
Khilchipur | 191065 | 45433 |
Rajgarh | 239787 | 51893 |
Biaora | 280576 | 61474 |
Sarangpur | 186082 | 41399 |
Narsinghgarh | 278166 | 62114 |
Pachore | 170463 | 37648 |