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Raisen District Population
Raisen District Total population is 1331597. Rural Population is 1028172 and Urban population is 303425. Raisen District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1028172 | 539960 | 488212 |
Urban | 303425 | 160398 | 143027 |
Total | 1331597 | 700358 | 631239 |
List of sub districts in Raisen District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Raisen | 226059 | 45581 |
Gairatganj | 125018 | 26514 |
Begamganj | 146510 | 31328 |
Goharganj | 268988 | 56735 |
Baraily | 142319 | 29674 |
Badi | 111703 | 22820 |
Silwani | 154774 | 33614 |
Udaipura | 156226 | 32629 |