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Raigarh District Population
Raigarh District Total population is 1493984. Rural Population is 1247682 and Urban population is 246302. Raigarh District is in Chattisgarh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1247682 | 623817 | 623865 |
Urban | 246302 | 126461 | 119841 |
Total | 1493984 | 750278 | 743706 |
List of sub districts in Raigarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Udaipur (Dharamjaigarh) | 207030 | 48428 |
Lailunga | 130613 | 31465 |
Gharghoda | 79425 | 19618 |
Tamnar | 97975 | 23963 |
Raigarh | 307513 | 72961 |
Pusour | 139799 | 36644 |
Kharsia | 150627 | 36706 |
Sarangarh | 229603 | 57327 |
Baramkela | 151399 | 40850 |