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Puri District Population
Puri District Total population is 1698730. Rural Population is 1433800 and Urban population is 264930. Puri District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1433800 | 728213 | 705587 |
Urban | 264930 | 137167 | 127763 |
Total | 1698730 | 865380 | 833350 |
List of sub districts in Puri District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Delanga | 109291 | 23537 |
Pipili | 159750 | 33305 |
Nimapada | 208139 | 47601 |
Kakatpur | 100525 | 23684 |
Astaranga | 67748 | 15714 |
Konark | 54999 | 11860 |
Gop | 121665 | 27880 |
Ramachandi | 22531 | 4805 |
Satyabadi | 196136 | 43350 |
Chandanpur | 87953 | 18007 |
Sadar | 107735 | 22367 |
Brahmagiri | 132319 | 27308 |
Gadisagada | 71870 | 14623 |
Krushna Prasad | 57505 | 12088 |