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Pune District Population
Pune District Total population is 9429408. Rural Population is 3678226 and Urban population is 5751182. Pune District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3678226 | 1903440 | 1774786 |
Urban | 5751182 | 3020665 | 2730517 |
Total | 9429408 | 4924105 | 4505303 |
List of sub districts in Pune District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Junnar | 399302 | 85864 |
Ambegaon | 235972 | 50357 |
Shirur | 385414 | 80917 |
Khed | 450116 | 99477 |
Mawal | 377559 | 78233 |
Mulshi | 171006 | 38014 |
Haveli | 2435581 | 586551 |
Pune City | 3304888 | 781507 |
Daund | 380496 | 78294 |
Purandhar | 235659 | 51259 |
Velhe | 54516 | 11428 |
Bhor | 186116 | 39007 |
Baramati | 429600 | 90912 |
Indapur | 383183 | 79683 |