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Phek District Population
Phek District Total population is 163418. Rural Population is 138843 and Urban population is 24575. Phek District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 138843 | 70529 | 68314 |
Urban | 24575 | 13214 | 11361 |
Total | 163418 | 83743 | 79675 |
List of sub districts in Phek District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sekruzu | 11366 | 2701 |
Phek Sadar | 27407 | 6091 |
Khuza | 4007 | 965 |
Meluri | 13890 | 3036 |
Phor | 5117 | 1169 |
Phokhungri | 3611 | 896 |
Chozuba | 14836 | 3346 |
Chetheba | 16881 | 4022 |
Sakraba | 9241 | 2162 |
Pfutsero | 31229 | 6811 |
Zuketsa | 5244 | 997 |
Khezhakeno | 3810 | 714 |
Chizami | 10274 | 2360 |
Razieba | 6505 | 1369 |