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Patan District Population
Patan District Total population is 1343734. Rural Population is 1062653 and Urban population is 281081. Patan District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1062653 | 548324 | 514329 |
Urban | 281081 | 146073 | 135008 |
Total | 1343734 | 694397 | 649337 |
List of sub districts in Patan District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Santalpur | 128791 | 25101 |
Radhanpur | 144266 | 27348 |
Sidhpur | 213087 | 41845 |
Patan | 449480 | 89985 |
Harij | 94562 | 18786 |
Sami | 182805 | 36281 |
Chanasma | 130743 | 28287 |