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Parbhani District Population
Parbhani District Total population is 1836086. Rural Population is 1266280 and Urban population is 569806. Parbhani District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1266280 | 651886 | 614394 |
Urban | 569806 | 290984 | 278822 |
Total | 1836086 | 942870 | 893216 |
List of sub districts in Parbhani District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sailu | 169174 | 33815 |
Jintur | 282756 | 55783 |
Parbhani | 537810 | 101500 |
Manwath | 116817 | 24350 |
Pathri | 139046 | 27910 |
Sonpeth | 89582 | 18089 |
Gangakhed | 202867 | 40328 |
Palam | 115382 | 24232 |
Purna | 182652 | 35123 |