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Papum Pare District Population
Papum Pare District Total population is 176573. Rural Population is 79610 and Urban population is 96963. Papum Pare District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 79610 | 39935 | 39675 |
Urban | 96963 | 49247 | 47716 |
Total | 176573 | 89182 | 87391 |
List of sub districts in Papum Pare District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Balijan | 6679 | 1106 |
Banderdawa | 8523 | 1625 |
Sangdupota (Besar Nello) | 4053 | 554 |
Taraso | 2507 | 442 |
Itanagar | 65301 | 14489 |
Naharlagun | 49106 | 10344 |
Doimukh | 9479 | 1845 |
Gumto | 1638 | 295 |
Toru | 3006 | 532 |
Sagalee | 6049 | 1077 |
Parang | 1655 | 276 |
Leporiang | 4139 | 699 |
Mengio | 6055 | 1054 |
Kimin | 6756 | 1103 |
Kakoi | 1627 | 289 |