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Panch Mahals District Population
Panch Mahals District Total population is 2390776. Rural Population is 2055949 and Urban population is 334827. Panch Mahals District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2055949 | 1053376 | 1002573 |
Urban | 334827 | 173585 | 161242 |
Total | 2390776 | 1226961 | 1163815 |
List of sub districts in Panch Mahals District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Khanpur | 96041 | 19080 |
Kadana | 129545 | 24972 |
Santrampur | 265694 | 47191 |
Lunawada | 257228 | 51552 |
Shehera | 277559 | 50976 |
Morwa (Hadaf) | 186920 | 31185 |
Godhra | 462516 | 87300 |
Kalol | 216371 | 43504 |
Ghoghamba | 218467 | 35555 |
Halol | 237959 | 47396 |
Jambughoda | 42476 | 7900 |