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Palamu District Population
Palamu District Total population is 1939869. Rural Population is 1713866 and Urban population is 226003. Palamu District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1713866 | 887551 | 826315 |
Urban | 226003 | 118751 | 107252 |
Total | 1939869 | 1006302 | 933567 |
List of sub districts in Palamu District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Hussainabad | 162290 | 27133 |
Haidernagar | 74031 | 11898 |
Mohammad Ganj | 47315 | 7934 |
Hariharganj | 74203 | 12988 |
Pipra | 36389 | 6602 |
Chhatarpur | 147459 | 26535 |
Nawadiha BazarNawadiha* | 73799 | 13876 |
Pandu | 67886 | 12134 |
Untari Road | 38888 | 7223 |
Bishrampur | 104983 | 18461 |
Nawa Bazar | 50345 | 9113 |
Patan | 134536 | 25292 |
Padwa | 46957 | 9001 |
Manatu | 46856 | 8874 |
Tarhasi | 81297 | 16854 |
Panki | 157850 | 30725 |
Satbarwa | 66417 | 12673 |
Nilambar-Pitambarpur(Lesliganj) | 100222 | 20931 |
Medininagar(Daltonganj) | 201596 | 37550 |
Chainpur | 226550 | 42957 |