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Palakkad District Population
Palakkad District Total population is 2809934. Rural Population is 2133124 and Urban population is 676810. Palakkad District is in Kerala State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2133124 | 1031466 | 1101658 |
Urban | 676810 | 328012 | 348798 |
Total | 2809934 | 1359478 | 1450456 |
List of sub districts in Palakkad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ottappalam | 930692 | 201045 |
Mannarkad | 384393 | 83238 |
Palakkad | 612116 | 144585 |
Chittur | 437738 | 104996 |
Alathur | 444995 | 103356 |