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Pakur District Population
Pakur District Total population is 900422. Rural Population is 832910 and Urban population is 67512. Pakur District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 832910 | 418251 | 414659 |
Urban | 67512 | 34410 | 33102 |
Total | 900422 | 452661 | 447761 |
List of sub districts in Pakur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Litipara | 105701 | 21702 |
Amrapara | 65289 | 13390 |
Hiranpur | 84079 | 16212 |
Pakaur | 327915 | 63318 |
Maheshpur | 208862 | 44703 |
Pakuria | 108576 | 22992 |