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Osmanabad District Population
Osmanabad District Total population is 1657576. Rural Population is 1376519 and Urban population is 281057. Osmanabad District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1376519 | 716237 | 660282 |
Urban | 281057 | 145298 | 135759 |
Total | 1657576 | 861535 | 796041 |
List of sub districts in Osmanabad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Paranda | 140148 | 29554 |
Bhum | 136745 | 29976 |
Washi | 92150 | 20941 |
Kalamb | 217687 | 46810 |
Osmanabad | 405736 | 85251 |
Tuljapur | 278879 | 57243 |
Lohara | 116712 | 26232 |
Umarga | 269519 | 55274 |