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North Goa District Population
North Goa District Total population is 818008. Rural Population is 324927 and Urban population is 493081. North Goa District is in Goa State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 324927 | 163908 | 161019 |
Urban | 493081 | 252769 | 240312 |
Total | 818008 | 416677 | 401331 |
List of sub districts in North Goa District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pernem | 75747 | 17248 |
Bardez | 237440 | 57147 |
Tiswadi | 177219 | 42241 |
Bicholim | 97955 | 22414 |
Satari | 63817 | 14367 |
Ponda | 165830 | 38349 |