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Neemuch District Population
Neemuch District Total population is 826067. Rural Population is 580837 and Urban population is 245230. Neemuch District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 580837 | 295013 | 285824 |
Urban | 245230 | 127640 | 117590 |
Total | 826067 | 422653 | 403414 |
List of sub districts in Neemuch District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jawad | 140890 | 31378 |
Singoli | 105288 | 22136 |
Neemuch | 239519 | 51000 |
Jiran | 72829 | 16295 |
Manasa | 267541 | 58937 |