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Nashik District Population
Nashik District Total population is 6107187. Rural Population is 3509814 and Urban population is 2597373. Nashik District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3509814 | 1804712 | 1705102 |
Urban | 2597373 | 1352474 | 1244899 |
Total | 6107187 | 3157186 | 2950001 |
List of sub districts in Nashik District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Surgana | 175816 | 37479 |
Kalwan | 208362 | 40072 |
Deola | 144522 | 28865 |
Baglan | 374435 | 73372 |
Malegaon | 955594 | 173933 |
Nandgaon | 288848 | 56873 |
Chandvad | 235849 | 45140 |
Dindori | 315709 | 58271 |
Peint | 119838 | 24119 |
Trimbakeshwar | 168423 | 30410 |
Nashik | 1755491 | 389061 |
Igatpuri | 253513 | 46129 |
Sinnar | 346390 | 67445 |
Niphad | 493251 | 97419 |
Yevla | 271146 | 54299 |