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Nandurbar District Population
Nandurbar District Total population is 1648295. Rural Population is 1372821 and Urban population is 275474. Nandurbar District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1372821 | 687671 | 685150 |
Urban | 275474 | 145499 | 129975 |
Total | 1648295 | 833170 | 815125 |
List of sub districts in Nandurbar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Akkalkuwa | 245861 | 46429 |
Akrani | 195754 | 33007 |
Talode | 159654 | 31255 |
Shahade | 407728 | 80967 |
Nandurbar | 367446 | 72434 |
Nawapur | 271852 | 59429 |