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Namakkal District Population
Namakkal District Total population is 1726601. Rural Population is 1030476 and Urban population is 696125. Namakkal District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1030476 | 520684 | 509792 |
Urban | 696125 | 348596 | 347529 |
Total | 1726601 | 869280 | 857321 |
List of sub districts in Namakkal District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tiruchengode | 631507 | 173932 |
Rasipuram | 340515 | 91643 |
Namakkal | 541488 | 148468 |
Paramathi-Velur | 213091 | 61468 |